

Do you feel stuck, lost, confused, anxious, sad or vulnerable?

Hello, I am Ros Lane - Counsellor, Psychotherapist, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) Practitioner, Clinical Supervisor, Reflective Practice Facilitator and Pastoral Supervisor - and I welcome you to my website.

I offer counselling, psychotherapy, clinical supervision, (to counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists in training or qualified), EMDR, Reflective Practice and Pastoral Supervision in a safe, secure, non-judgmental, confidential, and compassionate environment.

My counselling and psychotherapy clients have contacted me to work on a variety of symptoms e.g. anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma/PTSD and complex trauma/PTSD, etc. - see Help is at hand for a comprehensive list.

I work with individuals (8 years old and older) and groups offering short, medium and long term/open ended Counselling or Psychotherapy. I also integrate EMDR into my practice and offer stand alone EMDR. I also work as Clinical Supervisor with counsellors and psychotherapists, in training or qualified. And offer Reflective Practice opportunities to individuals and groups as well as Pastoral Supervision.

I am specialised in working with those who are living through bereavement, loss and trauma. I completed my Doctorate in 2015 on ‘Imprisoned Grief: A Theological, Spiritual and Practical response' and am an Accredited EMDR practitioner working with adults children and adolescents.

I am BACP Registered and Accredited Member and I abide to their respective codes of conduct - you can find them at BACP Ethical Framework.

Ros LaneI trained integratively in various therapeutic approaches and tailor the therapeutic process to your needs, preferences, and personality. My primary training is in Integrative Psychotherapy (MA University of Manchester; Certificate  in Counselling and group work skills Westminster Pastoral Foundation North). Subsequently I trained using a Psychoanalytic Framework in working with individuals and in groups (Diploma in Forensic Psychotherapeutic Studies from the Portman and Tavistock NHS Foundation Certificate in Brief Psychoanalytic from Sheffield University, Certificate in Time Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Young People) and have recently completed a Foundation year in Group Analysis. I offer Clinical Supervision  (Certificate in Clinical Supervision New Dawn, New Day  at Leicester Women's Counselling Centre). In 2019 I completed a training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing with both children, young people and adults.

I formulate a tailored therapeutic plan for each of my counselling and psychotherapy clients. My therapeutic plans flexibly allow to process any issues client bring from session to session, or from moment to moment, as this is one of the ways the unconscious manifests itself.

I also facilitate groups of practitioners offering Reflective Practice. Imagine that you come home at the end of a really bad week where everything possible has gone wrong. When you walk in the front door you are confronted with a time machine which can take you back to Monday morning so you can live the whole week over again. You use this opportunity to think about everything that went wrong and what you could do (if anything) to correct things as well as trying to repeat the things that you have done right. It may not seem like it but this is reflective practice - the act of thinking about our experiences in order to learn from them for the future. In real life you probably don't have access to time travel but you can still work towards being a reflective practitioner. We can all undertake activities to think about our experiences, learn from them and develop an action plan for what we will do next.

I am currently training to be a Pastoral Supervisor with Association for Pastoral Supervision and Education https://www.pastoralsupervision.org.uk/

Having completed a course of Clinical Pastoral education at Fulborn Hospital in Cambridge as a student. Pastoral supervision is an accompanied intentional dialogue between the soul ( a person's inner motivation); a lived role ( the demands of a person's field of work) and  Context ( the nitty gritty realities which enable or inhibit a person to find harmony between soul and role).

I formulate a tailored therapeutic plan for each of my counselling and psychotherapy clients. My therapeutic plans flexibly allow to process any issues client bring from session to session, or from moment to moment, as this is one of the ways the unconscious manifests itself.

If you are curious about how what I offer might suit you, please contact me to arrange an initial session where we can discuss your needs and decide if we want to work together.
Only for clients who contact me via this website, I offer an initial complimentary 20-minute consultation.

I hope you appreciate what I offer. However, if you don't choose me, please remember to check that like me your therapist is suitably qualified, belongs to a professional body, adheres to a code of ethics, and is properly insured.

I hold an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Certificate and is registered under the GDPR Regulations.

Accredited registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy No:528008

Accredited member

Your choice of a therapist is a major decision. During treatment you will talk about personal issues and experiences, perhaps for the first time or in a way you have never done with anyone else in your life, and you need to feel that you will be able to do this with the therapist you choose. I have your best interest at heart - we agree from time to time what to focus on - and apply my knowledge and therapeutic skills to our work.

I am grateful for the time you are spending reading my website content, and I would be happy to hear from you.

I wish you all the best for your healing journey!

'Reflective practice is the ability to reflect on one's actions so as to engage in a process of continuous learning.'- Donald Schon

'Like a filing cabinet, the past is a resource of information for learning, but it is not a place to live.' - Anonymous

'It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.' - D.W. Winnicott

'There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in' - Leonard Cohen

'Your trauma might or might not have started with you, but it could end with you' - unknown

'I am not defined by my scars, but by the incredible ability to heal.' - Lemn Sissay

'Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.' - Rumi

'It was a while before we came to realize that our place was the very house of difference rather the security of any one particular difference.' - Audre Lorde